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Study with Thomas Jay Oord

Open and Relational Theology



Doctor of Theology & Ministry


The Open and Relational Theology Conference 2023 (ORTCON23) at Grand Targhee Resort in the Teton Mountains was a great success! More people attended this year than any previous.

Session speakers included Ilia Delio, Bruce Epperly,  Thomas Estes, Jonathan Foster, Tripp Fuller, Janna Gonwa, Lon Marshall, Jim McLachlan, Tori Owens, Pete Shaw, Eka Tupamahu, Mark Umstot, Deanna Young, and me.

If you're the kind of person who plans ahead, make plans now to attend ORTCON24 next July 8-12!

Tripp Fuller is hosting Theology Beer Camp in Springfield, MO this October 19-21. I'll be a speaker alongside a dozen others. You should join us!

Study with Carl Savage


Doctoral Degrees 

     Christian Pilgrimage

     Biblical Languages

Featured Degrees

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Michael Beck

Working from Home

Ministry PATH

Designed for those currently engaged in ministry and seeking to complete their Ministry degree. 

Complete your Master's Degree in as little as six months

Your program length and cost will vary by your degree program, transfer credits, and academic progress.

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What do our students say about Northwind?

What I’ve found most exciting about my opportunity to study through Northwind is the cutting-edge philosophy of ‘guided education’ married to modern technology. It’s a given that as a mature student, it was easier to fit learning into my world in this fashion, but up to this era, distance learning has always carried the sense of a poorer, second cousin. 


I’ve come to see, as I glance around at the larger world of education, which is being retooled as you read this, that the Guided Education, as applied through Northwind’s programs has the best shot at moving it’s participants forward into a real life and meaningful new phase of life and ministry. 



Master's Degree Pathway



100% Online

Start courses at any time


Study on a schedule that fits your life.



Learn from respected faculty with advanced degrees and experience

in their fields of study.



Complete your course

in as little as 30-days

or up to 120-days.



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AND Lecture Series

Northwind offers a new style of online learning: Guided Education

When thinking about a seminary course, the common image is a professor in the front of a room, lecturing and asking or answering questions. Sometimes facilitating peer learning in small discussion groups. This allows students to learn in a very direct way, but it is not the only way to teach. Northwind Theological Seminary courses are designed for the individual student who is taking a course anywhere (wifi available), anytime (at the student’s pace), on any device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone). 

The Pedagogy or teaching philosophy at Northwind is Guided Education.

Faculty-Mentors vet resources, organize learning, and guide students in

Video-Lecture Courses, Tutorial Courses, & Oxford-Style Courses where students


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